Friday, May 22, 2015

His words always come true!

It was way back in 2011 ,swami had taken up the cosmic form. I suddenly developed intense desire to join swami's school. So I found out from headmistress aunty of primary school ,what I can do about this. She told me that I will have to take an entrance exam and if I qualified I would be selected..

Fast forward I began to prepare for the entrance which would decide my future. I wanted to get into p.s at any cost.....


I don't remember the date but that night when I slept.....

Swami was seated in the portico on His chair. Bhajans were going on and I was seated at the other end of kulwant hall.I was admiring Swami's beautiful form ,when He suddenly called me .He waved His hands signalling me to come over to the portico. I got up and walked up to swami. He looked at me so lovingly and asked me," amma you will join primary school?" That's what I was waiting heart was dancing in joy.. I humbly replied," yes swami....". He then lovingly patted on my cheek and said ," good girl".. He then asked me to sit next to Him. The dream ended....

I went and wrote the entrance and got selected. The most surprising thing was that there was no interview for me ,which is a part of qualifying test  ..
But swami's words gave me the confidence..

His words always come true ..even if said by Him in dream state..

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