Wednesday, May 27, 2015

SILENCE : god's language

Today we are back with a very innocent tale of two kids who are also SAI's dazzlers......

Okay lets get on the time machine ........
Dated forever...
Scene : classroom
It was in the 6th std classroom of Sri Satya Sai primary school.There were these two tiny little cute girls who were deeply inspired by the words of their teacher Loka ma'am . Loka ma''am had this beautiful habit of telling an experience related to Swami before starting her english class.She believed that if she tells and inspires children to love Swami more ,swami would take care of these children and their future..And how true namasmarana can take us across the ocean of misery!!
So it was this beautiful morning and she was telling her students about the efficacy of being silent..
Her one statement got this two tiny tots on to work and that one statement was ," Swami loves silence and He will be happy if you kids keep silence..".

Thus these two angels got to work .They decided to keep mounam (act of keeping silence) for a week to please their dearest lord. They avoided unnecessary talk and also did not speak to their friends. All that mattered to them was to see their swami happy.
A week passed without speaking to their classmates and when it came to teachers they would just answer their teachers if they were questioned about anything.

The feeling was so beautiful to be silent. They felt more happy and eaceful by avoiding unnecessary talk..


After a week ,these kids decided to write a letter to their lord informing Him about their sadhana.
As though Swami needs a letter to know about His kids, but that is a physical way we often choose to  feel close to Swami and let Him know about our problems and joys..

That evening before darshan these two angels sat up and wrote the letter..

Letter's contents..
"Swami we have kept mounam to make you happy .Please bless us .Swami we love you".


That day they sat in the first line with that tiny piece of chit called "The letter" clutched in their tiny hands , awaiting their lord's arrival. And as the divine music ringed in everybody's ears ,their sweet lord arrived for darshan. With eager and hopeful eyes ,they looked at their lord . And as swami reached them ,one of them stretched her hand out to give the letter to swami....
 and their lord accepted the letter and gave them a beautiful smile in return...
It meant so much for these two angels.It was not only their sadhana that swami  had accepted but their love too, as they had expressed in their letter ,"swami we love you".



Let us all keep mounam and please our lord.......

Friday, May 22, 2015

His words always come true!

It was way back in 2011 ,swami had taken up the cosmic form. I suddenly developed intense desire to join swami's school. So I found out from headmistress aunty of primary school ,what I can do about this. She told me that I will have to take an entrance exam and if I qualified I would be selected..

Fast forward I began to prepare for the entrance which would decide my future. I wanted to get into p.s at any cost.....


I don't remember the date but that night when I slept.....

Swami was seated in the portico on His chair. Bhajans were going on and I was seated at the other end of kulwant hall.I was admiring Swami's beautiful form ,when He suddenly called me .He waved His hands signalling me to come over to the portico. I got up and walked up to swami. He looked at me so lovingly and asked me," amma you will join primary school?" That's what I was waiting heart was dancing in joy.. I humbly replied," yes swami....". He then lovingly patted on my cheek and said ," good girl".. He then asked me to sit next to Him. The dream ended....

I went and wrote the entrance and got selected. The most surprising thing was that there was no interview for me ,which is a part of qualifying test  ..
But swami's words gave me the confidence..

His words always come true ..even if said by Him in dream state..