Wednesday, June 11, 2014

He loves, He reciprocates Part 2

In the midst of a busy schedule in the third week of June, when i was in the ninth grade, my mind was in a state of tensed excitement. During the physics class which i hated the most i was to present a model on the working of a elevator. Through out the night i tried to put it in place but my efforts were futile. Tears rolled down my eyes and the next moment i ran down to the prayer hall seeking His refuge. I cried to my dear Mother SAI hoping He would set things right. I gave a last try to my project but in vain. Frustrated i put aside the model and i went to sleep crying. The thought that everyone else finished except me made me   even more upset ,sleep refused to cum to me. But slowly i drifted off to sleep. THEN I HAD AN EXTRAORDINARY DREAM . Swami appeared in my dream and the divine teacher explained me how to proceed with my model and surprisingly i understood it in the first go. Usually i take time to understand physics but when swami himself taught me how can i not understand. When i woke up in the morning the first thing i did was attack my model. I followed every instruction of Swami. Astonishingly i was done with it in the first attempt itself. I felt Him next to my side throughout the presentation. HE had assured me of my full marks in the activity and i did. My teacher was very happy with me and i was in cloud nine. But not to forget one thing i ran to SWAMI after the class and cried out to Him but now it was in happiness. I LOVE YOU SWAMI. This was how he showed whatever may be issue he will be next to me guiding ,guarding ,teaching me in every step. THANK YOU SWAMI.

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