Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I was at age of 5 when i was diagnosed with bronchitis by the doctors, my mother was terrified. They suggested an operation which my mom refused. My mom decided to bring me to swami, but swami had his own plans for his dear child. My mom brought me for darshan and i was seated in the first line. Swami came out but he did not look at me. My mom was dejected and prayed to swami. The next day too the same thing repeated. We decided to leave after the Ramadan celebrations which was the following day. When we came for darshan the next day swami came near us but did not look at us , my mom called out for swami and gave an assuring smile and walked back towards us . Then swami came and asked very sweetly ''emmi amma'' meaning 'what mother' . My mother told swami about my illness and then swami waved his hand in a circular motion and materialized vibhuthi and put little in my mouth and applied the rest on my forehead. Then my mom told swami that she wanted to join me in HIS school. Swami said 'chala manchidhi' meaning 'very good'. Swami again materialised vibhuthi and gave my mom and me and asked me to join in 2003 -2004 batch. We decided to stay back, my mom brought the application form. Next day in the darshan line swami came and my mom gave the application form to swami and swami took it and told to start getting ready to join me. With swami grace from that day i did not suffer from any diseases and i am also now studying in HIS school . I am grateful to swami for everything that HE has done for me ..

He loves, He reciprocates Part 2

In the midst of a busy schedule in the third week of June, when i was in the ninth grade, my mind was in a state of tensed excitement. During the physics class which i hated the most i was to present a model on the working of a elevator. Through out the night i tried to put it in place but my efforts were futile. Tears rolled down my eyes and the next moment i ran down to the prayer hall seeking His refuge. I cried to my dear Mother SAI hoping He would set things right. I gave a last try to my project but in vain. Frustrated i put aside the model and i went to sleep crying. The thought that everyone else finished except me made me   even more upset ,sleep refused to cum to me. But slowly i drifted off to sleep. THEN I HAD AN EXTRAORDINARY DREAM . Swami appeared in my dream and the divine teacher explained me how to proceed with my model and surprisingly i understood it in the first go. Usually i take time to understand physics but when swami himself taught me how can i not understand. When i woke up in the morning the first thing i did was attack my model. I followed every instruction of Swami. Astonishingly i was done with it in the first attempt itself. I felt Him next to my side throughout the presentation. HE had assured me of my full marks in the activity and i did. My teacher was very happy with me and i was in cloud nine. But not to forget one thing i ran to SWAMI after the class and cried out to Him but now it was in happiness. I LOVE YOU SWAMI. This was how he showed whatever may be issue he will be next to me guiding ,guarding ,teaching me in every step. THANK YOU SWAMI.