Saturday, May 24, 2014

He loves He reciprocates part 1

IT was in my 10th grade ,I used to feel so home sick. Added to my agony was the fact that I used to fall sick so often . One day as I was sitting in kulwant hall for bhajans and the usual routine of sickening thoughts were flowing in my head , I happened to look at a life-size photo of swami placed in the hall. Photo featured swami directly looking into ones eyes. I just then got a feeling which induced in me a desire to hug somebody. At that very moment I felt that only swami could be that perfect personality who could give me  solace.So I closed my eyes and imagined myself hugging swami. This method of visualisation filled me with so much bliss that I decided to do the same exercise everyday .

Soon I started doing it everyday till one day Mr.doubt came into my life and changed my perspective.
I soon started feeling that I was so foolish to get carried away by such an illusion...
That day I walked into prayer hall and prayed for reciprocation. Though after this I continued to do this exercise only because it gave me happiness, still Mr doubt would walk in every now and then and play with my faith.

Let me tell you reader that during this period there were several instances when swami fulfilled  many of my wishes for which I asked him through visualisation. Yet I wanted a full proof confirmation.

It was during summer after  10 th standard board exams when I had gone home for my vacations ,one night I had a dream which is very very clear to the date in my head.

Swami was gliding so  grandly for darshan. I was seated for darshan and as he walked towards me , he looked at me and said ,"dont you want to hug me??".
I looked into his eyes and with folded palms said," swami I will be blessed if you hug me". He called me into a room , then he hugged me .When the guru takes you into his arms you are just awestruck and grateful. He then pulled my cheek and said that I am a good girl. So beautiful when your master acknowledges you.  Though it was beautiful confirmation swami couldn't win in convincing me completely. It was only after coming back to school for my 11th standard ,while listening to a talk by an alumni who went through the same sequence of events  that is visualising,doubting ,dreaming that I was completely convinced. That particular alumni used imagine himself walking with swami in the park.He would then imagine his classmates coming from front. He would then tell his swami ,"swami you are mine .I dont want you to talk to them".Then he would pull swami to hide behind the tree.He stopped doing this exercise completely after meeting Mr doubt. It was only after two months that a dream of swami changed all his views about this exercise.In the dream swami did exactly the same things that he used to do in his visualisations. Swami walked with him into the park then as his classmates came from the fore front, swami dragged him behind the tree and told him ,"I am yours .I don't want to talk to them." Then swami said something which is capable of convincing anybody,he said,"I missed it when you did not talk to me for two months".
So beautiful right!! Lord comes down to human level only so that he can convince us of his omnipresence ,only so that we love him more and more and get salvation,only so that we begin to live feeling his presence.....
Readers do try this exercise and narrate your experiences to us through comments or mail to us at
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sai ram